Translam Academy
Mawana, Meerut

To sensitize the children to become the crusaders for environmental conservation, Translam Academy – Way To Success  organised the ‘Earth Day Celebration’.

A special assembly was conducted where the students performed an act and shared their views about the importance of saving Earth and the measures that can be adopted to save our planet.
Students of Kindergarten section dressed up in green and blue colours and also showcased themselves as natural resources of our earth.
A hand-out was given to the students based on the significance of our planet and the steps to keep our environment clean and green.
The children were made aware that ‘EVERY DAY IS AN EARTH DAY’ and the purpose of celebrating Earth Day is to keep our grass green and our skies blue with more trees and less pollution.

#earthdayeveryday #earthdayactivities #GreenEarthCleaning