Translam Academy
Mawana, Meerut

Books are uniquely portable magic. Book fair are appetizer for further reading. Book fairs play a huge role in encouraging reading habit among people of all age groups. Working on the theme, ‘Books are our best friends’, @ in association with ‘SABRANG BOOKS, MEERUT’ organized a 2-Days book fair from Friday, 8th September to Saturday 9th September,2023.
Today, was the inauguration ceremony of this fair. Chief guests for today was Dr. Arun Kumar (Principal ASPG College, Mawana). Along with others guests Professor Sachin Kumar (HOD Physics , ASPG College, Mawana) and Mr. Bhupendra Tyagi (Owner Of Kamal Hospital, Mawana).
Wide range of books of all literary genres were displayed in the book fair. Children and the staff
members enjoyed the fair and selected the books they wished to read. The opportunity to browse books of so many varieties and in a large number at a time was a wonderful experience for the children and parents who visited the fair.