Translam Academy
Mawana, Meerut

Children should be well taught about road safety and its importance irrespective of their age. They should be engaged in healthy interactive sessions regarding road safety and traffic rules. Road safety is a subject that helps children to make more aware and responsible citizens. Children are generally carefree and like to travel around parks and around the house. Usually, they do not pay much attention to their surroundings and how to act when they are outdoors. Just for this reason road safety and traffic rules are important to make them more aware and responsible for their own safety’s sake. A lot of children get hurt while cycling and crossing the road. To avoid any such crashes and injuries, teaching road safety is necessary at the preschool level itself. Translam Academy – Way To Success has organised a road safety session in our school to make our students aware about the rules we should kept in our mind while crossing the road. #roadsafetyawareness