Annual Sports Meet 2022
If there is one field of life which teaches us the most valuable lessons about perseverance, patience in fact what constitutes a perfect character, it is sports.
Thus, TRANSLAM ACADEMY- Mawana organized its Annual Sports Day (खेल उत्सव)- 2022, on 25th December 2022 amidst great mirth, verve and camaraderie. The Annual Athletic Meet embodies the zeal, talents and spirit of sportsmanship of the students of TRANSLAM, encouraging them to be persistent and to refine their talents, achieving the greatest of the heights. The hon’ble Guests gracing the event were Mr. Dharam Vir Singh (Secretary General) Mallakhamb Federation of India, Ms. Manu Pal, Gold Medalist Lawn Bowl, Ms. Kiran Baliyan Gold Medalist Shot Put, Mr. Anu Kumar (Secretary) Meerut Distt. Athletic Association and Mr. Nitin Arya Advisor Mallakhamb Federation of India and a large gathering of Parents.
The Principal shared a brief report of the School’s Sports activities and achievements of students. This was entailed by the hoisting of School Flag and declaration of the Meet Open by Chief Guest Mr. Dharam Vir Singh followed by the lighting of the flame which was carried by the School’s Sports Captain & Vice Sports Cpatain and releasing of balloons, to mark the expression of joy and merriment. This was followed by the Inter-House March Past, a highly competitive event where the four houses eyed for the first place. The audience next witnessed various displays which made way for the highly awaited athletic events where competitiveness among the students soared through the roof.
Amazing performances of Mallakhamb artists kept the audience on the edge of their seats especially when they held the rope in their toes and legs and suspended their bodies in air. Pyramid formations on the rope won a huge round of applause from the crowd, which cheered every performance of the team .
A token of gratitude was presented to all guests, by the Principal in the form of a memento. Upnext, the guests were invited to give away the prizes and felicitate the rightful winners with medals and certificates of excellence.
The Meet saw its culmination with the National Anthem. At the end of the day, students departed with a clear smile on their faces as it was a day filled with sportsmanship, enthusiasm and memories to cherish. The principal of this esteemed institution, Mr. Dheeraj Arya thanked all the teachers for their cooperation and support and advised children to keep up their sportsman spirit.